Association Career
Fontaine, which was usually affectionately only called by the public “Justo”, was from 1949 to 1962 active professional. With the football it began with US Marocaine Casablanca (1950-1953); then it changed to France, played first for the OGC Nice (1953-1956) and afterwards for Stade Reims (1956-1962). With this club it (as in the national team) played several years with hochkarätigen offensive players (Piantoni, Vincent and Bliard) together, per season between 80 and 90 hits in the division the 1 obtained, in the year of Kopas return (1959/60) even 109 of gates in 38 plays. In France Just Fontaine became four times master and twice Cup winner; in addition it was twice goal scorer king in the highest play class. With Reims it stood besides in the final of the European Cup of the national masters 1959 approximately material Madrid.A complicated leg break (1960), from which it despite several approaches recovered never more correct, already terminated 1962 - “Justo” was only 28 years old - its player career.At the end of of 1961 was selected the contentious Goalgetter to the first president of the French player trade union and held this function until 1964.
The French national player
The Stürmer was appointed between 1953 and 1960 altogether 21mal into the Équipe Tricolore; it obtained 30 gates, thus a sayful cut of 1,43 hits per play - four times thereby a “three-luggage” succeeded to it, once (1958 against Germany in the play around place 3 with the WM) even four gates in a play. Just Fontaine holds also the torr cord with a soccer world championship: with the final round it obtained 1958 in Sweden to today valid Bestmarke of 13 hits - it moved at all only thereby in the quantity of the Frenchmen that his Reimser crew comrade René Bliard in the apron of the WM had hurt itself and for Sweden to call off had.
The coach
1962 had to terminate Fontaine its active career; thereupon it, as the class-best, completed the coach training. In January 1967 it was already replaced French national coach, but after two home defeats in friendship games against Romania and the USSR in July by Louis Dugauguez. Afterwards it trained among other things four years long Paris Saint Germain, with which it ascended 1974 into the highest play class, as well as Toulouse FC (1978/79). It was at the beginning of the 1980er in addition coach of the Moroccan national team.Subsequently, also with the title “knight of the Ehrenlegion” dedicated itself as well as from the technical periodical L'Équipe in the year 2000 as a fifth-best French soccer player of the century excellent Just Fontaine to its sports article business (Justo sport).
French football master: 1956 (with Nice), 1958, 1960 and 1962 (with Reims)
French Cup winner: 1954 (Nice), 1958 (Reims)
Goal scorer king in of France highest play class: 1958, 1960 (as well as secondarybest contactors 1957 and 1959)
Employments and gate successes in the division 1:200 plays and 165 gates (69/43 for Nice, 131/122 for Reims)
21 A-international matches (one for Nice, 20 for Reims) with 30 gates
World championship third 1958, there also WM-Torschützenkönig (13 hits)
Fontaine belongs also to the best soccer players of all times, the FIFA 100, and 2004 it was selected as a best Frenchman into the UEFA Jubilee 52 golden Players
As coaches
National coach (1967), however the shortest selectionneur of France of all times
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